Heat Results

Heat Type

3 Minute Qualifier

Win By

Best Lap


6/25/2024 7:27 PM


Brandons too f...

Heat Winner: RacerBrandons too f...
Best Lap41.646 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader- Average Lap81.959
ProSkill SCORE2448 This Round +/- 142
2nd Place: RacerDamen Hernandez
Best Lap41.89 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader0.244 Average Lap149.228
ProSkill SCORE2592 This Round +/- 67
3rd Place: RacerReagan Parent
Best Lap41.896 # of Laps3 Gap from Leader0.250 Average Lap42.125
ProSkill SCORE2396 This Round +/- 58
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 LVA 41.96 0.314 4 153.696 1914
5 Jacob Roy 42.166 0.520 3 42.7 1737
6 DoubleT@p 42.281 0.635 4 82.337 2264
7 Bruce 42.448 0.802 4 153.173 1828
8 Richie Murray 42.454 0.808 4 83.688 1595
9 Nik DANGER 42.579 0.933 3 42.858 1279
10 Brady Prazeres 42.918 1.272 4 84.382 2112
11 Zygarde 43.03 1.384 4 151.47 1656
12 Wesley Gallag... 43.281 1.635 4 83.983 1039
13 Super Sloww 43.622 1.976 4 152.447 1606
14 Diddy’s baby oil 43.865 2.219 4 151.738 1094
15 Joseph Mahan 44.045 2.399 4 82.706 1420
16 Junior Mahan 44.326 2.680 4 83.011 1509

Lap Times by Racer

Reagan Parent
(Penalties: 0)
153.449 [16]
242.354 [4]
341.896 [3]
(Penalties: 0)
145.052 [7]
242.68 [5]
342.448 [7]
4374.392 [7]
Junior Mahan
(Penalties: 0)
145.935 [11]
245.183 [16]
344.326 [16]
4159.524 [16]
Brandons too f...
(Penalties: 0)
146.891 [13]
241.899 [1]
341.646 [1]
4162.332 [1]
(Penalties: 0)
144.484 [2]
242.313 [3]
341.96 [4]
4376.816 [4]
(Penalties: 0)
144.981 [5]
243.138 [7]
342.579 [9]
(Penalties: 0)
145.162 [8]
243.684 [11]
343.03 [11]
4367.696 [11]
Damen Hernandez
(Penalties: 0)
145.897 [10]
242.306 [2]
341.89 [2]
4363.489 [2]
Richie Murray
(Penalties: 0)
148.047 [14]
244.95 [15]
342.454 [8]
4163.661 [8]
Super Sloww
(Penalties: 0)
144.685 [4]
243.622 [10]
343.644 [13]
4370.075 [13]
Diddy’s baby oil
(Penalties: 0)
146.254 [12]
243.901 [13]
343.865 [14]
4367.448 [14]
Jacob Roy
(Penalties: 0)
144.531 [3]
243.234 [8]
342.166 [5]
(Penalties: 0)
145.003 [6]
243.104 [6]
342.281 [6]
4161.627 [6]
Wesley Gallag...
(Penalties: 0)
145.526 [9]
243.805 [12]
343.281 [12]
4164.864 [12]
Brady Prazeres
(Penalties: 0)
143.974 [1]
243.234 [8]
342.918 [10]
4166.994 [10]
Joseph Mahan
(Penalties: 0)
149.004 [15]
244.407 [14]
344.045 [15]
4159.667 [15]