Heat Results

Heat Type

3. Advanced

Win By

Best Lap


1/25/2025 9:06 PM


Keegan Carr

Heat Winner: RacerKeegan Carr
Best Lap48.357 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap53.708
ProSkill SCORE1517 This Round +/- 139
2nd Place: RacerAiden Langborg
Best Lap49.149 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader0.792 Average Lap57.439
ProSkill SCORE1475 This Round +/- 117
3rd Place: RacerMatthew Rodrig...
Best Lap49.251 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader0.894 Average Lap55.128
ProSkill SCORE1324 This Round +/- 124
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Azareth Mora 49.367 1.010 5 54.837 1304
5 Hugo Goncalves 49.775 1.418 5 57.266 1347
6 Alexia Sperduti 49.844 1.487 5 55.462 1296
7 Josh Falso 50.483 2.126 5 53.956 1478
8 Jaiden gomes 50.965 2.608 5 54.849 1339
9 Kenin Mota 51.621 3.264 5 55.836 1204
10 Tay Golding 51.706 3.349 5 59.432 1184
11 Alex Veiga 53.482 5.125 4 59.386 1164
12 Yana Arnold 54.76 6.403 4 61.955 1144
13 Josh Chadwick 58.552 10.195 5 64.63 1124
14 Gracie Veiga 60 11.643 4 65.581 1104
15 Givanna Rita 67.168 18.811 4 70.975 1084
16 Emma Nye 67.93 19.573 4 75.775 1064

Lap Times by Racer

Josh Falso
(Penalties: 0)
1264.458 [3]
250.483 [1]
355.87 [1]
451.192 [7]
558.281 [7]
Aiden Langborg
(Penalties: 0)
1268.045 [5]
258.909 [11]
363.178 [13]
449.149 [2]
558.521 [2]
Jaiden gomes
(Penalties: 0)
1268.771 [7]
252.653 [6]
357.679 [6]
450.965 [8]
558.099 [8]
Alexia Sperduti
(Penalties: 0)
1267.58 [4]
251.1 [2]
358.043 [2]
449.844 [6]
562.86 [6]
Hugo Goncalves
(Penalties: 0)
1274.249 [9]
259.118 [12]
357.247 [11]
449.775 [5]
562.926 [5]
Keegan Carr
(Penalties: 0)
1263.251 [2]
252.633 [5]
356.736 [5]
448.357 [1]
557.106 [1]
Kenin Mota
(Penalties: 0)
1269.332 [8]
251.986 [4]
358.404 [4]
451.621 [9]
561.332 [9]
Azareth Mora
(Penalties: 0)
1349.782 [14]
253.667 [8]
355.85 [8]
449.367 [4]
560.463 [4]
Gracie Veiga
(Penalties: 0)
1368.572 [16]
268.107 [14]
360 [14]
468.636 [14]
Alex Veiga
(Penalties: 0)
1352.731 [15]
253.482 [7]
364.115 [7]
460.56 [11]
Josh Chadwick
(Penalties: 0)
1306.344 [12]
258.552 [10]
367.782 [12]
459.423 [13]
572.764 [13]
Matthew Rodrig...
(Penalties: 0)
1268.738 [6]
251.813 [3]
355.62 [3]
449.251 [3]
563.829 [3]
Yana Arnold
(Penalties: 0)
165.407 [1]
267.974 [13]
354.76 [9]
463.131 [12]
Givanna Rita
(Penalties: 0)
1290.288 [11]
270.904 [15]
367.168 [15]
474.852 [15]
Emma Nye
(Penalties: 0)
1326.711 [13]
283.641 [16]
367.93 [16]
475.755 [16]
Tay Golding
(Penalties: 0)
1276.154 [10]
256.386 [9]
356.575 [10]
451.706 [10]
573.061 [10]